
Exclusive: Liverpool and Spurs tie key for WCQ preparations – Dollah Salleh

National team head coach Dollah Salleh believes that their upcoming friendly matches against Tottenham Hotspur and Liverpool would be absolutely crucial for their chances of doing well in the World Cup qualifiers.

Several sections of the fans have been unhappy at the fact that Malaysia are playing club sides, instead of A-class international games, that directly contributes to your FIFA points. But while Dollah did suggest that more A-class matches would be organized in future, he was quick to also defend the importance of the game against Liverpool and Spurs.

“We do actively play against other countries. We did so against Oman recently and we will definitely do more of those games as well,” he told


Dollah Salleh

“But the match against Spurs and Liverpool will be important too. They are good teams and playing them would be a good test for our players, especially ahead of the World Cup qualifiers.”

Dollah has also tabled a proposal to the Football Association of Malaysia, requesting for more time to work with his players, a move that could alter the Super League schedule. But as far as the ex-PDRM coach is concerned, spending more time in the national training camp would only benefit the squad as a whole, as it helps build understanding.

“I need more time. As of now, I only get two to three days with them, before a match. That is certainly not enough.

“I need it to be longer so I can work closer with my players and develop and understanding that will help us do well,” he added.

The draw will for the World Cup qualifying stage will take place on Tuesday, with Malaysia being placed in Pot 5.

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